Dynamic Ride Sharing D-RIDE-AMS
Description en une ligne: The Dynamic Ride Sharing (D-RIDE) is a car-pooling (car-sharing) application that provides drivers and riders with information which supports them making decisions on the model and route to complete their trip
Description: The D-RIDE supports the use of non-transit ride-sharing options including carpooling and vanpooling and improving the accuracy of vehicle occupancy counting. This algorithm is designed to calculate the pick-up and drop-off sequence for a given set of vehicles to transport given passengers. Each passenger has a specific time window requirement for picking up and dropping off. The D-RIDE algorithm can minimize the number of required vehicles and travel the shortest distance to meet all the passengers' requirements.The application provides a car-pooling system in which drivers and riders arrange trips within a relatively short time in advance of departure. A person could arrange daily transportation to reach a variety of destinations, including those that are not serviced by transit. Used on a one-time, trip-by-trip basis, and would provide drivers and riders with the flexibility of making real-time transportation decisions. The application in this repository, developed by Arizona State University as part of the "Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Testbeds for the DMA and ATDM Program" project, is an optimization model which can take a list of vehicles and passenger demands and optimize them to output a list of vehicle pick-up and delivery sequences. Please note that the application is currently a limited prototype and was used for optimizing pick-up/delivery schedules of up to 100 passengers during the project. It can be used by transit agencies and researchers to evaluate feasibility of car-sharing system for a given transit Origin-Destination table. An example of input file-structure and output is provided in the repository.
Site internet: https://www.itsforge.net/community/explore-applications#/45/124
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